
How To Loose 14 Pounds in 7 Days - Quickly, Safely, Easily and Permanently

Many people have a few pounds that they want to loose quickly and easily, most of all safely and permanently.
We have discovered a number of successful ways to loose weight and combined them into a quick and easy formula. These should produce excellent results.

Before you start with this diet, it is important that you are not pregnant, breastfeeding or not in good health.
This diet should also not be attempted by morbidly obese people.

7 Days Weight Loss

Steps for 14 Pound Weight Loss in 7 Days

1) Drink at least 4 litres of water every day.

2) Cut out all Alcohol.

3) Do not drink any carbonated drinks, even diet drinks.

4) Stop eating foods that have a high content of sugar. IE: Chocolate & Cakes.

5) Decrease the amount of Carbohydrates you are eating by 60%. IE: Potatoes

6) Eat at least 6 portions of Fruit and Vegetables every day.

7) You may continue to eat food that is high in protein as usual.

You should eat your three main meals in a size decreasing order, this means that your biggest meal is Breakfast, your medium sized meal is lunch and your smallest meal is supper.
You should also have three snacks throughout the day. I suggest that you have them between meals, this means that you won't get very hungry and over indulge when it comes to meal times.

It is also recommended that you do thirty minutes of exercise every day. This may include a brisk walk or a forty five minute bicycle ride.
It is important that you get your heart rate up whilst doing your exercise, it's not going to do you any good if you take it too easy, you need to work up a bit of a sweat.

Getting a good nights rest is also important when it comes to loosing weight, 75% of people that get a good nights sleep are slimmer than their counterparts that don't get at least 7 hours a night.
We can't over emphasise the need for a good nights rest.

Staying in shape is good for the body and mind alike. Regular exercise can help with depression and when you are feeling generally unhappy.
Loosing a few pounds should also help your self confidence and you general feeling of happiness.

How To Loose 14 Pounds in 7 Days - Quickly, Safely, Easily and Permanently

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Are You Ready to Change Your Life? The 7 Most Important Tools for Weight Loss!

With just a few special "tools", you can be prepared for your weight loss journey and dramatically increase your chances of being successful:

A journal of some sort is incredibly useful when beginning any type of weight loss journey. Depending on your preference, this could be a formal journal created for this purpose or something as simple as a calendar with plenty of space to record your daily food intake and activity. The importance of writing down everything you eat must not be underestimated! You will always think you ate less than you did in a given day. Write down everything that goes in your mouth, even if you know it won't help you reach your goal. No one is going to see your journal but you, so you gain nothing by leaving it out-except maybe pounds! Journals can useful too, down the road, when you want to repeat a particularly successful week.

7 Days Weight Loss

A food scale is a very useful tool. Even if you are not the type of person to weigh and measure your food consistently, food scales are great to help you learn what a proper portion size looks like. Until you can control your portions, you will not be able to control your weight! These scales come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and price ranges. It is not necessary to spend a small fortune. Ideally, the scale would measure in both ounces and grams.

A set of measuring cups and measuring spoons is necessary for the same reason. Who knew a tablespoon of olive oil was such a small amount?

While certainly not necessary, a blender can be very useful. Smoothies are an easy way to get in the recommended dairy and fruit servings each day.

A scale for body weight is a good idea. Weekly weigh-ins are recommended when trying to lose weight, due to those frustrating daily fluctuations, but daily weigh-ins are a great way to help with maintenance, once your ideal weight has been reached.

A tape measure is a great tool for weight loss. Many times when the scale does not show a decrease in weight, the tape measure can provide assurance that you're on the right track.

One of the most "economical tools" is a walking program. Comfortable walking shoes are the only necessary item for this exercise although a pedometer might be fun. If you're at all competitive, you may enjoy increasing your steps daily or weekly. Most fitness experts recommend that you aim for 10,000 steps each day, which is roughly equivalent to walking five miles.

Have these tools ready when you begin your weight loss program and you will be shopping for new clothes in no time!

Are You Ready to Change Your Life? The 7 Most Important Tools for Weight Loss!

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Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days Or Less

If you want to lose more than ten pounds in seven or less days then you don't have to look any further. If you think that counting calories and starving yourself to death will help you in achieving the body of your dreams, then you need to think again. Below is a sure shot way for you to lose weight in days.

The only way you can effectively burn your body fat is to speed of your metabolism. This can turn your body into a machine that can burn fats even when you are asleep. So you can be losing those extra pounds in your sleep.

7 Days Weight Loss

Also you can get fit without having the need to visit the gym or starving yourself to death. You would get the firm, fit and healthy body of your dream by literally melting away all your fats.

So the question arises "How can you manage to do it?"

You don't need to count your calories, but you should keep your calorie intake at minimum by avoiding sugar and fatty foods. Doing that reduces the amount of work that needed to be done to get your body back in shape.

Secondly, you need to take a health supplement which would increase your body's metabolic function. The most popular among such supplement is the acai berry. Acai berry is found in Brazilian rain forests and is known to cause wonders to dieters. It takes your metabolism to the next level. You would burn all your fats at a very high rate. Besides that, acai berry is a very powerful antioxidant. It will raise your energy levels and make you very healthy.

Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days Or Less

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Walking For Weight Loss

It is a generally well accepted fact that exercise burns calories and can increase the overall health of both body and mind. Most of us also recognize that walking is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for weight loss and health. What many people don't realize is that they might not be getting the most effective returns on their efforts. It actually requires just a little tweaking of a simple walking program to make it more effective as a weight loss program.

Many experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of sustained physical activity every day for health. However, 30 minutes of walking a day, while it may initially cause some welcome and valuable weight loss for an overweight individual, is often not going to be the final answer. The initial weight loss results will probably not be sustained as the body makes adjustments and learns to accept the new demands made on it.

7 Days Weight Loss

Rest assured, walking (or participating in other activities) for a sustained 30 minutes a day WILL result in better health, a greater level of energy and well-being, as well as producing SOME weight loss. However, anyone seriously overweight will probably not create the sustained, permanent weight loss they seek with only 30 minutes a day.

It's a matter of time.

Due to the manner in which the body draws on stored fat vs. other stored energy reserves, the first, and most valuable step, once you have gotten in the habit of walking, will be to increase the amount of time the activity is performed. Forty-five minutes is better than 30, and 60 is better than 45 minutes.

Admittedly, walking an hour a day, six or seven times a week may be difficult for some to fit into their schedules. However, simply increasing the time to 45 or 60 minutes of activity two or three times a week will produce more weight loss than keeping all walks at 30 minutes.

Another technique is to increase the speed with which you walk on the days that you do not walk more than 30 minutes. This also has the benefit of conditioning the body in a slightly different manner than the slower paced, longer walks. Remember, no walk should introduce extreme difficulty in breathing. A rule of thumb is that if you cannot talk and walk, you are attempting to either go too fast or too far. Always build up slowly to new levels of exertion.

You may also want to consider adding resistance training, such as with free weights, or equipment such as a Bowflex or Total Gym, or similar exercise apparatus. This builds muscle tissue which will burn more calories even in a resting state. Additionally, walking exercises only certain muscles and muscle groups. A resistance training program can be used to train muscle groups generally not included in walking.

Although the extended 45 and 60 minute walks will be somewhat more effective if done at one time, two 30 minute walks in a day will be more beneficial for fitness and weight loss than only one. In fact, many experts recommend getting a pedometer and simply trying to make sure you get 10,000 steps every day.

I would like to take a moment to address walking vs. running as a weight loss program.

Certainly, if you train to the point where you can run certain distances in certain times, you will almost certainly experience a major weight loss if that is what your body needs. However, you can get just as fit as a runner by walking with a great deal less danger of injury. A beginning walker in particular is more likely to experience less discomfort during and after an exercise period than a beginning runner.

Once you have built up muscles and stamina, you may wish to move into a running program. Also, in the beginning of any exercise program, whether for weight loss or physical fitness, extreme demands on the body and one's physical, mental, and motivational resources may result in the program being dropped. It is generally easier to slip into a permanent walking program from a sedentary lifestyle than a running program.

One last argument for at least beginning with a walking program is that you can sneak into a walking program without any special equipment or preparation, and no one but you needs to know that the shopping trip to the mall was actually your secret walk for the day. My mother is going to be 90 this year. She often drives to a nearby store and shops for a while, putting things in her basket as she walks around the store. Then she walks around the store some more and puts it all back. That way, she gets in the walk, is stabilized by the cart, and has to reach, stretch, lift, and bend in a safe, comfortable, air-conditioned setting. It's an added bonus that my son-in-law is one of the managers in that store.

There's an old saying that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...so does a successful weight loss program.

Walking For Weight Loss

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A 7 Day Metabolism Diet Plan - How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week

A 7-Day Metabolism Diet Plan is a program that will closely monitor your calorie intake and will give you the result you have been dreaming of for years in just few days. To start with, we only have two important rules that you have to know before deciding to follow our 7-Day Metabolism Diet Plan.

1. Keep yourself with proper hydration. It is necessary that you drink at least four glasses of water or diet soda every day

7 Days Weight Loss

2. Use spices to bring flavor to food and to make you feel full faster: ketchup, soy sauce, mustard, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, lemon, salt, herbs, and pepper.

Below is an example of a 7-Day Metabolism Diet Plan:

A. You can start on a Monday and count it as the first day. For breakfast, have a tea with equal sugar or black coffee. Lunch can be a little heavier like two hard-boiled eggs and one cup cooked spinach. Dinner can be one celery or lettuce salad and one six-ounce steak.

B. Tuesday's breakfast can be coffee again or tea with equal sugar and a water cracker. Lunch can be one celery or lettuce salad, one six-ounce grilled steak and dinner is eight oz. ham.

C. Wednesday can be same breakfast and dinner, but lunch can be two hard-boiled eggs, one cup green beans and one cup tomatoes.

D. Thursday's breakfast is the same while lunch is a hard-boiled egg and one raw carrot. Dinner is a cup of plain yogurt and a cup of fruit salad.

E. Friday's breakfast is black coffee and a raw carrot; lunch is a steamed fish with tomato salad; and a six-ounce steak green salad.

F. Saturday starts with green tea followed by an eight-ounce skinless broiled chicken and two hard-boiled eggs and a carrot.

G. Sunday starts with tea with lemon and then eight-ounce broiled steak, followed by a sensible proper dinner to mark the end of the week.

A 7 Day Metabolism Diet Plan - How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week

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Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

7 Days Weight Loss

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

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7 Tips on How to Lose Weight With Diabetes

What is it and how can I lose weight with diabetes? If you have children, you should know Type I diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) usually strikes people younger than 35, typically appearing dramatically in children and adolescents. It affects 10 percent of diabetics and is usually triggered by a virus or auto immune system that destroys the body's insulin-producing cells, allowing glucose in the bloodstream to increase and upset blood sugar levels, resulting in hyperglycemia (too much glucose). Type I diabetics produce no insulin at all and require insulin injections to manage blood sugars and maintain good health.

Type 2 diabetes(non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) primarily affects people over 40 ,although we are seeing younger, obese people succumb, usually develops slowly and accounts for about 90% of all diabetes cases. The body still produces some insulin - but either the insulin isn't enough or the body doesn't respond correctly. Type 2 diabetes is caused by obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.

7 Days Weight Loss

Symptoms you should never ignore:

Excessive urination Excessive thirst and/or hunger Blurred vision Weakness, fatigue and irritability Circulation problems such as tingling or numbness in legs. feet or fingers Slow healing of cuts (especially on the feet) Frequent infections Itchy skin
7 Tips on how to lose weight with diabetes

Can a healthy lifestyle help?

Yes! Being diagnosed with diabetes isn't a good enough reason to stop living! But you'll have to make some lifestyle changes if you care about your health - starting with your diet. The dietary guidelines for someone with diabetes are basically the same as for non-diabetics - eat healthily, always.

Start with starch

The American Diabetes Association now acknowledges that the overall amount of carbohydrates eaten during the day (and the correct portion size) is what matters, not the source. Regular meals, each with a similar amount of starch, will help control blood sugars. Best choices include whole-wheat or rye bread, pasta, couscous and brown rice - all are low GI (Glycaemic Index) foods, meaning they help control blood sugar levels and appetite.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit

Fruit and veggies have countless health benefits and are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Vegetable pasta, a fruity green salad, or basmati rice with sun-dried tomatoes are always to make 'five a day' easy to achieve.

Load up on dry beans, peas, lentils and soya

Legumes are high fibre. low fat and inexpensive - not to mention a tasty alternative to red meat. They can also help control blood sugars. Enjoy chicken, fish, meat, eggs and milk.
Diabetics with normal renal function don't have to modify their protein intake - they can eat small portions of these foods every day. Opt for low fat/fat free dairy products and remove all fat from meat and skin from chicken.

Eat fats Sparingly

Research has shown that low fat diets when maintained long-term contribute to modest weight loss - advisable for anyone with diabetes.

Cut out Alcohol

This is a must for any one trying to lose weight with diabetes.


It protects against the long-term health risks associated with diabetes, such as heart disease, obesity and stroke, and helps manage blood sugars.

7 Tips on How to Lose Weight With Diabetes

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7 Simple Steps To Lose Extra Weight And Tone Up For Your Summer

Summer is here and we are already half-way through the year!

As the weather starts to get warmer, we start to ditch our warm clothings and prepare for our summer vacations. We love to spend time with our family or friends at the beach, and we become more conscious about our own body shapes.

7 Days Weight Loss

If you have been putting off starting your weight loss plan, this is a great time to start seriously.

But the truth is that it is not easy for women over 40 to lose weight within a short period of time. It will take a lot of hard work and consistent effort if you want to achieve the weight loss you desire.

Eating right, making smart food choices, and working out regularly are the keys to the body almost everyone will envy. Having said that, it's never too late to improve your body and your look for your bathing suit, bikini, or tankini.

Start your beach body "boot camp" today!

Here is a simple 7-step plan for you to lose some pounds and tone up for your summer...

1. Write it all down on a journal.

It is always a good idea to write down accurately what you eat and drink everyday including your occasion snacks (e.g. a chocolate cookie). Also, you must jot down what kind of exercise you do every day. From there, you can learn about your own eating and exercise behaviour. You will be able to zoom in your weak points which you can make improvements on.

2. Learn to read the food labels.

This is a very important habit you must adopt. Do not be deceived by words such as "Low Fat" or "Less Sugar". The products may have reduced its fat or sugar content from the original products, but you must still do a proper comparison with other similar products to find the right kind of food for yourself. Remember to study every label before you purchase anything that will end up going into your body.

3. Drink more water & cut down on other beverages.

It is very important that we drink 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. You will need drink even more when you are doing your exercise. In case you didn't know, this can help your metabolism also. Try to cut down on your fruit juices. Instead, it's better to eat the whole fruit because it will give you the fiber and vitamins your body needs and less calories as compared to a glass of fruit juice. If possible, try to limit your alchol intake, especially high caloric alcoholic beverages.

4. Eat all your meals.

Do not skip any meals. Many women tend to skip their meals, especially their breakfast. Do not do this. You must eat breakfast everyday. Because so many hours have passed since last night's dinner, your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choose a breakfast with complex carbs and fruits to kick start your day. You can have a small snack before your lunch and your dinner. As for your dinner, it is a good idea to reduce the portion size and have more vegetables for easy digestion. Remember, do not starve yourself as this will backfire on you, and make it more difficult to lose the weight in the future.

5. Exercise.

A good old advice. Exercise is one of the keys to lose weight regardless what kind of diet you are on. A 30-minute routine of aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or swimming every day can help to burn more fat in your body. Even doing housework can be treated as a form of exercise. Remember, you must keep your body moving if you want to burn those fats.

6. Increase your metabolism

The key to increase your metabolism is really to build muscles. Muscles are like a furnace that increases your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories even when you are at rest. Thus, muscles are very important and essential for your fat loss. You can do weight resistance training 2 to 3 times every week. Furthermore, you will also look better with a toned-up body when you are in your swimming suit or bikini... just like the Hollywood stars.

7. Sleep.

Many people tend to ignore the importance of sleep. In fact, if you have sufficient 8 hours of good sleep, you will not only feel refreshed and recharged, but you will find yourself losing some weight. Recent scientific research has shown that people with insufficient sleep tend to have difficulty to lose weight and tend to get other health problems too.

It may seem quite easy but without a proper plan and successful strategies, you won't succeed in achieving your weight loss goals. You really need to have patience as results do not happen overnight. The most important thing is that you must not GIVE UP even when you hit a temporary setback.

Copyright 2006 Tracy Lee

7 Simple Steps To Lose Extra Weight And Tone Up For Your Summer

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Lose Weight Quickly and Keep It Off For Good - 7 Tips On How To Lose Weight Now

Losing a significant amount of weight in a short period of time can be much easier if you are willing to make it a priority in your life. It will be worth it for years to come if you make an effort to lose weight at this time in your life. Here are some things to consider when starting a weight loss diet.

You can change your metabolism easily by changing some of your habits. Just walking each day for fifteen to twenty minutes can make a huge difference. A cleansing diet will give you more energy and improve your overall health. Most people never take the time to give their internals organs a rest from the types of foods that we eat regularly. Losing weight will increase your life span. My staying at or even below your normal body weight you will extend your life and improve the quality of your life. There are diets, such as the master cleanse, that have been used successfully for years by people all over the world. It is predominantly in North America that unhealthy fad diets get so much attention from the media. If you can summon up the willpower to stay on a cleansing diet for a short period of time you may never have to go on a diet for the rest of your life. Your eyes and skin will give you a more youthful appearance after you have been on this diet for even a couple of days. A diet based on plant protein is good for your heart, lungs, and kidneys and will also make a big difference if you are at risk for diabetes.

7 Days Weight Loss

These 7 things will help you to consider using the master cleanse as your method of losing weight quickly and keeping it off for good.

Lose Weight Quickly and Keep It Off For Good - 7 Tips On How To Lose Weight Now

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How Many Calories Do You Need Per Day to Lose Weight?

How much can you eat and lose weight? What is the maximum number of calories that you can eat? What is the best way to lose weight? Discover all this and more in this article.

Calorific Deficit

7 Days Weight Loss

How many calories you should eat is different from person to person. But what remains the same for everyone who wants to lose weight is that you need to have a calorific deficit. This means that you don't eat enough every day that your body needs to burn.

So it gets the rest of the calories from your fat.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight.

If you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

It's that simple.

How Big A Deficit To Lose A Pound A Week?

Dieticians recommend that you don't lose more than 2 pounds a week.

If you want to lose a pound a week, you need a deficit of 500 calories a day.

If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, you need a deficit of 1000 calories a day.

Now we just need to find out how many calories we need to eat every day.


BMR stands for base metabolic rate. It's a measure of how many calories you burn every day.

For a man, it's about 2500 calories and for a woman, 2000 calories. If you think you are smaller or larger, shorter or taller than average then you should add or subtract 100-200 calories from these figures.

Now, just take away from this large figure the deficit you want. So say you are a man who wants to lose 2 pounds a week, then you would do the sum of 2500 minus 1000 which is equal to 1500 calories. The food you eat every day should be no more than 1500 calories total

Count The Calories

I know this is a pain but if you don't count the calories then you will simply overeat and gain or maintain your weight. If you want to lose weight then you must add up the calories of what you are eating.

How Many Calories Do You Need Per Day to Lose Weight?

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How to Lose 11 Pounds in One Week - The 6 Proven Methods That Helped Me Lose 11 in 7 Days

One afternoon I got a call from a friend inviting me out to the beach with 7 days notice. It was a paid vacation and someone dropped out and they had a free spot to come out. I hadn't seen this group of friends in years and I looked terrible, so I was desperate to lose weight. I managed to lose 11 pounds that week, but anyone should be able to lose AT LEAST one pound per day with this and manage to keep most of it off. Here is exactly what I did, from day 1, to lose all 11 pounds in 1 week:

1) I cut out any beverages that contained sugar. This eliminates any sort of soda or super sugary fruit juice, in addition to milk (contains lactose, which is sugar). Sugar is the number one enemy of diets - not only is it rich in calories, but most people don't know it triggers an insulin response and sends your body into FAT STORAGE MODE. Yeah, that's bad news. For this week, I only drank water, green tea (more on this in a minute), and occasionally coffee.

7 Days Weight Loss

2) I cut calories. If you're trying to lose weight, it's absolutely 100% necessary to cut calories, no matter what anyone tells you. It's science. I went from eating 2800 calories/day on average down to about 1500. This is drastic, but definitely not near starvation. My secret here is beans and eggs. Both are very high in protein, which is amazing for retaining muscle mass, and beans have a TON of fiber. Fiber is AMAZING for keeping you feeling full. For breakfast I'd make scrambled egg whites or egg whites on toast, and for lunch and dinner I'd have a medium sized can of beans cooked in tomato sauce. Just make sure your meals don't have sugar and hardly any fat. Go for fibrous veggies on the side, and eat lots of meat (fish, chicken, lean red meat). Protein is king here.

3) I timed out my meals well. What this means is no eating 2 hours before bed, mainly protein-only for dinner (chicken breast with broccoli, beans in a little tomato sauce, egg whites, etc). If you're gonna do carbs, like eggs on toast, do it in the morning. Make sure you split up your meals into smaller portions, eaten more often. I was eating 5 smaller meals per day instead of 3 big ones. This not only kept me fuller longer, but it boosted my metabolism and allowed my body to burn more calories even just sitting around

4) LOTS of GREEN TEA. Green tea is absolutely amazing. Not only does it give you great energy, but it turbocharges your metabolism to burn more calories, AND it squashes your appetite by keeping you full and preventing you from getting hungry. If there is one diet tool I can recommend you out of anything, it's drink lots and lots of freshly brewed green tea.

5) Exercise. Lets be real, I knew I wouldn't hit double digit weight loss without exercising. Fortunately my diet was right so I didn't have to kill myself exercising, but I definitely went on a brisk 30 minute walk twice daily. This will keep you active, burn calories, tighten up your legs and core, and it's proven that exercise kills your appetite (believe it or not)

6) I kept myself busy, and drank lots of water. When I wasn't drinking green tea, I drank plenty of ice cold water. The coldness spiked my metabolism in addition to keeping me full. Staying busy will distract your appetite, which shouldn't even be bad if you're drinking plenty of fluids. Pop a multivitamin.

How to Lose 11 Pounds in One Week - The 6 Proven Methods That Helped Me Lose 11 in 7 Days

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Weight Loss Pill - Is It An Effective Weight Loss Product?

Phentermine Adipex is a prescription that is recommended for individuals who are overweight due to its ability to suppress hunger. While this is considered a program on its own, it is important to state that it should be combined with exercising, proper dieting and counseling. One of the major questions people have is whether it is as effective as it is claims to be in meeting the need for weight loss. This question can only be answered by taking in depths look into how it works and how to buy it.

For starters, it is always advisable to take it in accordance to the prescriptions provided. This should be adhered to with a high level of strictness. In this regard, it is important to note that it is best suited for people who are overweight and are known to suffer from conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, which could result to medical complications. Another important point worth noting is the fact that it can be broken into half and it should be taken an approximate 2 hours before breakfast.

7 Days Weight Loss

It is important to avoid taking the same at night since it is largely known to cause insomnia. Ideally, this should be 30mg per dosage. In the event that a dosage is missed, it is always advisable to skip it completely. However, the next day, one should stick to the schedule and prescription from the physician. At all times, it is important to ensure that it is stored at room temperatures.

Phentermine Adipex is known to have fat inhibitors and for this reason, it is considered safe. It is for this reason that it is recommended for use to people from all ages. As a buyer, purchasing the tablets online is advisable and this is attributed to several reasons. For starters, it gives the buyer the opportunity to compare different offers and this increases the chance of getting the best high quality deals that are cheaper. As a result, the budget for making this purchase is considerably lowered.

While this is the case, there are certain groups of people who should not use the pill. For starters, those who are allergic to Phentermine hydrochloride or other drugs known to lead to stimulation of the nervous system should avoid using it. It is for this reason that it is imperative to consult a doctor and let them known about any prior illness or side effects noted. Also, expectant women should not use the same. To cap it all, under no circumstances should children be allowed to use the tablet.

With several dealers of the product, it is recommended to carry out some extensive research before hand to determine that one is buying authentic products. In addition to this, it is also imperative to ensure that the dealer has the legal authority to sell the same in order to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law.

Weight Loss Pill - Is It An Effective Weight Loss Product?

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7 Day Detox Diet - Eating Healthy to Lose Weight

A 7 day detox diet can help you lose fat really fast while eating healthy to lose weight.

If you want to know just what a detox cleanse can do for you - take a minute and read this article.

7 Days Weight Loss

7 day detox diet

1- Fast Weight Loss

This is the most popular side effect of doing a cleansing program like this.

You can lose up to a pound a day if you follow the right detox for your particular body. Losing weight fast is highly motivating and will help you stick with the plan.

When you watch the Biggest Loser TV show and see huge weight loss each week you see how it motivates the participants. You can experience the same motivation and excitement as you see the numbers on the scale go down quickly.

2- Energizes You

Most people feel surges of energy after just a few days. This is because you are cleaning out the toxins in your body. And you are feeding your body with nutritious foods it craves.

If you have been feeling sluggish (and being overweight can certainly make you feel that way) detoxing your body will rejuvenate you in a big way.

When you feel more energy to tackle each day, you tend to have a more positive outlook on your life. This extra energy will help you tackle your "to-do" list with a better attitude. It will also help you exercise more often and that leads to faster weight loss.

Come on - it is only 7 days. They fly by. And your result is a much slimmer happier you!

7 Day Detox Diet - Eating Healthy to Lose Weight

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Fast Weight Loss Diet - Easy Tips And Tricks

A fast weight loss diet is worth its weight in gold once you find it and finally lock on to a winning strategy. Asian women have been practicing the same techniques and methods for generations to get and stay skinny...even after giving birth...and you can benefit from their experience in your battle against the pounds.

Today we're going to look at a fast weight loss diet you can use to achieve the body you deserve without doing back-breaking workouts at the health club or going hungry for weeks.

7 Days Weight Loss

Fast Weight Loss Diet - Easy Tips And Tricks

Everyone wants the answer to the question of which fast weight loss diet works the best to lose excess pounds. In reality the question can't be answered in just a short article or webpage, it takes a full program to define what makes a perfect diet. You CAN learn a few things that will help you in the short-term, and here are a few Asian tips anyone can take advantage of to get their dream body.

1. 5 meals a day puts you on the road to success.

You must learn to eat several smaller meals rather than a few large ones, because your body simply can't absorb the excess calories that often happen unintentionally when we shrink our meals into just 2 or 3 per day.

By having 3 medium-size meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner) combined with 2 small meals (mid-morning snack/mid-afternoon snack) you lessen the chance that you'll overeat at one of the bigger meals and thus ruin whatever weight loss you had going that day.

In Asian culture we tend to eat frequently, sometimes as often as 6-7 times per day, and thus our meals are smaller in size and calorie density. Copy this formula for success, try to keep your main meals below 350-400 calories each, and your snacks at 150 calories each. That totals roughly 1300-1500 calories per day, which is perfect for weight loss, and you'll never be hungry since you're eating so often!

2. A small plate in a dark color can work wonders.

It's funny to those of us from Chinese descent that Western countries call white porcelain dishes "China", when in reality most Chinese dishes and plates aren't the color white at all.

Asian culture chose to eat on colored plates long ago out of respect for the Earth and nature (who provide our food), but researchers have recently found a link between the darker colored kitchenware and less production of a hormone that makes us eat more than we should.

It's amazing but highly likely that white dishes actually visually stimulate our brains to create more of the "hunger" hormone that it should, and that makes us increase the chance of overeating.

Switch to dark blue, dark green, or other less stimulating dishes and plates and you'll be surprised at how you naturally feel more full and eat less.

What If You Just Can't Lose Weight?

If these two fast weight loss diet tips don't work for you, you'll need to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.

Fast Weight Loss Diet - Easy Tips And Tricks

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Lose Weight in a Week With the Proven 7 Days Soup Diet

You can lose weight in a week with a good plan. There are many reasons why you might want to lose several pounds in a week. It's very possible to lose 10 pounds in a week. One great reason to do this is to just prove to yourself that you can. You can stick to a plan and you will drop weight.

There are many ways to lose 10 pounds in a week.

7 Days Weight Loss

One proven way is to follow the 7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet. Don't worry. it's not just cabbage soup. You eat soup that contains cabbage as a filler. So there's no reason to be hungry since you can eat all the soup you want.

Here are the other foods you can eat.

Day 1: Eat all the fruit you want except bananas. Bananas come on Day Four!

Day 2: Eat all the vegetables you want. No fruits. Baked potato for supper.

Day 3: Today eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want, but no baked potato today!

Day 4: Eat up to eight bananas plus skim milk.

Day 5: Eat ten to twenty ounces of chicken or beef and up to six fresh tomatoes.

Day 6: Eat all the beef and vegetables you want on this day.

Day 7: Enjoy brown rice plus unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables.

You can lose weight in a week. Then why not use that weight loss as motivation to lose even more weight. You'll need a long-term eating and exercise plan to keep moving toward your weight goal, but the cabbage soup diet is a great way to start.

Lose Weight in a Week With the Proven 7 Days Soup Diet

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Extreme Weight Loss Program - Lose 15 Pounds of Fat Every 2 Weeks With This Proven Online System!

Are you looking for an extreme weight loss program that has proven effective for thousands of people to get permanent results. Well, read on to learn more about what diet works best to lose up to 15 pounds of fat every 2 weeks easily, quickly, and permanently!

Alright, now after researching for quite some time, the best diet I have found to get fast, easy, and permanent results is the Calorie Shifting Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

7 Days Weight Loss

Here is why this program worked for me and for many others:

1.) This diet is not based around restricting carbs, fats, or calories. In fact, you will be eating 4-5 nutrient dense meals each day during the diet program. All of these meal options (with the exception of one day where you'll eat fruit) contains protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Because you are not restricting calories or nutrients, your metabolism WILL NOT reduce!

2.) The Calorie Shifting Diet SKYROCKETS your metabolism to the maximum peak. If your metabolic rate is running high each and every day... even while you sleep, then not only will you lose up to 15 pounds of fat every 2 weeks... the weight will stay off for good.

3.) This online diet program is very easy to get started with, stick with, and finish until you reach your desired weight goal. One cycle of this diet is 11 days. The diet program claims that you can lose up to 9 pounds during this cycle. I used this diet program for 5 cycles and ended up losing 50 lbs. of fat in 8 weeks... permanently.

Now, just as it is with any other program, this diet is NOT going to work if you are not 100% consistent. If you stay consistent and follow your custom Calorie Shifting meal plan completely, then yes, you will get amazing results... and will do so quickly.

Extreme Weight Loss Program - Lose 15 Pounds of Fat Every 2 Weeks With This Proven Online System!

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7 Ways to Increase Metabolism and Lose Weight

If you are tired of trying the latest diet fad and getting little or now results then maybe it's time you tried the time honored method of losing weight. By a simple increase in your metabolism you can start to burn more calories and actually lose weight without having to starve yourself. The best part of increasing your metabolism is it is the best way to keep the weight of too. Metabolism is basically the rate at which your body burns calories. The higher it goes the more calories it consumes.

"But how do I do that?" you ask. Here are 7 ways that you can increase your metabolism and lose that excess baggage.

7 Days Weight Loss

1. Sleep more - You need at a minimum 8 hours of sleep per night. Studies have been done that show people who sleep less then 8 hours per night have a slower metabolism then those who get in a good nights rest. Also those who do not get enough sleep tend to eat more during the day trying to keep their energy levels up, which is not good when your metabolism has slowed down.

2. Evening exercise - As the day progresses our metabolic rate declines so that by the time late afternoon and early evening arrive we are no longer burning calories at the rate we were in the morning. Take a quick walk or do some other form of exercise that revs up your metabolic engine. It doesn't have to be a full blown workout, just get the heart pumping and the blood flowing.

3. Get moving - Getting your body moving is a great way to increase metabolism. Go for a walk at lunch instead of surfing the internet at work, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park you car in the space farthest away from the door where you work, things like this will go a long ways towards burning excess calories.

4. Eat some protein - Protein helps stabilize the amount of insulin in your bloodstream. Too much or too little insulin can play havoc with your metabolism.

5. Eat more meals - The key to increasing your metabolism is keeping a consistent flow of calories throughout the day. Instead of eating three big meals eat 5 or 6 smaller meals during the day. This gives you body a consistent supply of energy all day long. And don't skip meals; this can actually slow down your metabolism.

6. The food you eat - Eat nutritious high fiber foods. By eating healthy you give your body the nutrients it needs to run efficiently. In fact it is believed that some foods require so much digestive processing that they actually burn more calories then they contain.

By following these 7 metabolism increasing tips you can turn your body into a fat burning machine. And the best part is no more strange diets that leave you feeling hungry and tired all day long.

7 Ways to Increase Metabolism and Lose Weight

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7 Day Colon Cleanse - The Fastest Way to Energy and Weight Loss!

Are you looking for a way to get more energy and even lose some weight at the same time? Do you want to feel healthier and live a better life? There are many ways to get healthy, but the best way to transition into a better diet and exercise routine is to start with a 7 day colon cleanse. Here is how it all works.

First, you need to understand what a colon cleanse will do for you. Your colon stores toxins and sludge that your body cannot use and that is what you need to get rid of. These toxins and this sludge that is in your colon can be as much as 20 pounds worth and it will use up a lot of your energy that you could be using for other things.

7 Days Weight Loss

Second, using a 7 day colon cleanse in order to transition into a new diet and/or exercise routine will clear your body of all the harmful toxins you are storing and get you ready for a healthier type of diet and exercise routine. This is very important because it will also work hard to build up your self discipline, which will make it easier for you to complete your exercise and diet routine.

Last, with a 7 day colon cleanse you will gain a lot of energy and you will lose some weight as well. Most will require less sleep, get more done with more energy, and will lose between 5 and 7 pounds of weight as well. This is a great way to help you work towards your goals and you should perform your colon cleanse once every 10 weeks to flush out any new toxins.

7 Day Colon Cleanse - The Fastest Way to Energy and Weight Loss!

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Acai Berry and Weight Loss

Every year, millions of people are trying to find ways to lose weight in a safe, fast and effective manner. Fad diets are always on the rise but none are effective for many reasons of which the most notable is the lack of proper nutritional support. Well, search no more for an effective weight loss supplement comes in the form of acai powders, pills and juices.

We must first emphasize that many of these acai berry products are not actually intended for weight loss purposes. Most are used in the maintenance of good health mainly because of acai berry's rich antioxidant content. Antioxidants are natural chemical substances that fight the damaging effects of free radicals on the body.

7 Days Weight Loss

How the Berry Works

So, how did the acai berry become useful in safe, effective and healthy weight loss? Modern science has discovered other properties in the acai berry that has made such new use possible. These qualities can be categorized into four:

• Appetite Suppression - The native peoples of the Amazon use the acai berry to suppress their appetite especially in anticipation of a long hunt or during lean harvests. This property has logical applications in weight loss particularly in calorie restriction with the general rule being the less amount of food eaten, the less number of calories to be burned.

• Adequate Nutrient Supply - Even when caloric intake is lessened, the body still gets an adequate supply of beneficial nutrients. This berry has one of the highest levels of antioxidant content among fruits and vegetables.

• Fat Burning - The acai berry has also been discovered to melt fat and cholesterol in the body as well as in the blood vessels. Thus, excess fat can be shed in a faster manner while the harmful plaque in the blood vessels can be removed. The primary way in which this little berry assists the body to lose adipose tissue is in its capacity to adequately nourish our cellular matrix - once this has been achieved our hunger is reduced, and therefore the quantity of food we consume will be less as well.

• Metabolism Enhancer - Acai also can fast track the metabolism so that the calories can be burned off in a faster manner.

All of these properties of the acai berry work together to ensure that the body sheds weight faster than with other methods. The positive benefits can be observed within just a few days of use of the acai berry supplement, be it in powder, pill or juice form.

How to Maximize Weight Loss

But of course, the acai berry supplement is not the be-all and end-all of effective weight loss. It is necessary to adopt other complementary ways to ensure that the desired goals are achieved within the set time.

A healthy diet is a must to maximize the effect of the acai berry supplement. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fishes, low-fat dairy products, nuts and seeds should be consumed in moderate amounts. Nutrition experts recommend eating 5 to 6 small meals a day instead of the usual 3 big meals. The acai berry powder can even be placed as toppings on many of the dishes and snacks.

An exercise program is also an essential part of the weight loss process. Cardio and strength training exercises should be undertaken on alternating days to burn off the fat and tone the muscles. You also have the benefit of acai energy bars to keep your energy up during exercise sessions.

When acai supplements are used in the proper way, a healthier, leaner and sexier body is just on the horizon. Remember, good nutrition is a fundemental element to good health.

Acai Berry and Weight Loss



Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss

On the road to weight loss, fitness, and health, you can easily become discouraged. In fact, discouragement is what leads many people to give-up when they may have been near a point of significant progress and encouragement in their program.

I've put together my "top 10" points of encouragement to help keep your spirits high on your road to weight loss, fitness, and health.

7 Days Weight Loss

1. It does get better - and often very quickly! Many people that are significantly overweight or that have been sedentary for a long time, find any activity, even walking a few hundred feet, to be very difficult and uncomfortable. Be encouraged, many physiological changes happen very quickly once you start moving. Walking, for example, starts getting easier and more comfortable within a couple of weeks. Keep moving - every day will be a little better! Be encouraged!

2. I love this lady's story. It just makes you want to cheer for her while sitting at your computer. Margie from Madison, Wisconsin weighed 296 pounds when she started walking in her neighborhood. She says she started by walking about half a block twice a day and that it was incredibly difficult at first.

After the second day she had decided to quit but a neighbor encouraged her to continue. Every day she walked the same route but added a little distance each week. She says there were many days when she wanted to quit, but she wanted very badly to lose weight and be healthy. After several months the people in her neighborhood started noticing her consistency and her progress and started giving her compliments and words of encouragement. She said that after a few months of walking, it went from painful to enjoyable.

About ten months into her walking program, she began her morning walk as usual, but she noticed people out in their yards. As she passed each yard they were clapping and cheering for her, "go Margie", "we're proud of you Margie", "congratulations Margie!" She said tears of happiness flowed through her entire walk that morning as over a hundred people cheered her on all along her route! Be encouraged!

3. The visible signs of progress in a weight loss program are often very slow to come. Healthy weight loss takes time, but that can be very discouraging. Be encouraged to know that for each day that you exercise and eat healthy foods in moderate quantities, you have made progress. It might not be measurable that day, but you have made progress and it will be measurable over a period of weeks and months. Be encouraged!

4. Katherine was 43 years-old and had been sedentary for 20 years. The scale had not changed in those 20 years - she still weighed 136 pounds, but she knew she had lost muscle and gained fat. Her waist was bigger and she couldn't fit into the same size clothes that she did 20 years earlier. What bothered her most was that she was always tired and never had energy.

She decided to start walking and weight training but quit after a week. She said, "it's too uncomfortable, I can't keep doing this." I encouraged her to continue and told her that it would get better. She "quit" three times during the next two weeks. We talked frequently. Six weeks later she started to notice some muscle tone and she noticed that her endurance and energy level had increased dramatically. She said, "I'm very encouraged!"

Eight months later she had gained two pounds on the scale but lost three inches in her waist - and she walked a marathon! Yeeeeeeesss! Be encouraged!

5. The whole idea behind physical training is that you push your body to do a little more than it's comfortable with and it responds by making physical and physiological changes. These changes make you capable of doing a little more with less discomfort. Be encouraged!

6. Gerald in New Orleans, Louisiana lost 85 pounds after he started walking and weight training. Once he had lost the weight, he decided to do something that would allow him to fully appreciate his weight loss. For an entire day, he carried around a sack that contained 85 pounds of metal weights.

Getting around during that day was a struggle and very tiring. At the end of the day he was exhausted! Life without the weight is great! Be encouraged!

7. Keep records of your progress. Every day write down the positive changes you've noticed and also keep a record of the exercise you do every day. Write down what you did, how long you did it, and any thoughts about your exercise that day. Keep a running total of your minutes. You can look back at what you've done with a great sense of accomplishment and you'll be motivated to do more. Be encouraged!

8. Daily exercise will change your life! I believe God designed humans to be active on a daily basis. Why? because when you are, lots of good things happen..

- you are healthier

- you feel better and have more energy

- you are less likely to develop cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.

- you sleep better

- you have a better outlook on life

- your relationships with people are enhanced

- your skin looks healthier

- you are sick less often

- your immune system is stronger

- you lose fat

- you gain toned, lean muscle

- you look healthier

Be encouraged!

9. Betty Jo in Tuscaloosa, Alabama wrote to me.. "Greg, After 24 years of being married to a grouchy, pessimistic man who didn't enjoy life, I saw all that change over a period of about a year. Harold was the classic 70 pound overweight couch potato when he was scared into exercising and healthier eating habits by the death of his 46 year-old friend."

Harold's doctor recommended that he start walking every morning and after a couple of weeks Harold told Betty Jo that he wanted to start eating better. Harold really took-off with this "health thing" and lost 72 pounds and become a new man - inside and out. In Betty Jo's words, "I have a new husband. He walks for an hour every morning and he is a joy to be around. His enthusiasm for life makes our marriage fun." Be encouraged! 10. Progress and improvement generate encouragement. YOU can progress and improve and be encouraged to do more. Tomorrow morning, put on your walking shoes and take a walk, even if it's just a few minutes. The next day, do it again - progress and improve.

Be encouraged!

copyright 2001 by Greg Landry, M.S.

Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss

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7 Proven Weight Loss Tips For Teenagers

I'm not going to try to sell you something. All I'm going to do is give you the facts about how to lose weight through safe and successful tips. The rest is up to you.

The First and Most Important Rule of Teenage Weight Loss

7 Days Weight Loss

1. Eat Healthily! Starvation is not the Solution

Every so often we hear about a teenage girl starving herself to reduce weight quickly in order to attend a special function, a dance or a prom. The person that I have in mind was about eighteen years old, let say her name was Brandi. Brandi wanted to loss approximately 22 pounds in 5 weeks to attend a wedding as a bridesmaid. She wanted to be noticed by by her friends, and in particular one boy.

During that time frame the most weight Brandi could have expect to lose and still maintain her health was about 10 to 12 pounds. In her effort and without getting her doctor's advice decides to starve herself. So she went off and starved herself for until her desired weight was accomplished.

What happened? Later, I learned she lost about 8 pounds within 2 weeks. During that time she developed spots all over her face and body. Yes, you guessed right, Brandi was not able to attend the wedding as a bridesmaid. Brandi spent several weeks under the care of her doctor undoing the damage she had done to her body by starving herself. Teenagers, let this incident be a warning to you! "When we stop eating, we stop giving our bodies the nutrition it requires to stay healthy and it begins t malfunction."

2. Healthy Eating is Better Than "Dieting"

The primary reason why adults experience weight problems and eventually become ill is due to them undertaking drastic measures or unhealthy weight loss diets during their teenage years. Teen Diets should not be considered until their physical growth has been completed This completion in teenagers usually occurs around 18 years of age.

Until that time teenage weight loss should not be considered without consulting your doctor. He will recommend dietitian who would be able to recommend a safe and healthy diet. A diet which would permit healthy growth and weight loss control.

3. Dieting Can Causes Health Problems in Teens?

Yes, dieting can cause health problems in teens. During your teen years, between the ages of 12-17 years, approximately 90% of your body frame structure and bone mass of an adult is laid down as a foundation. This not the time to be depriving your body of the essential vitamins which it requires like calcium, vitamins C&D.

During these years, even a short period of "strict dieting" could lead to a low bone density level. Low bone density weakens your bones in your later years; they become fragile and are susceptible to fractures and breakage.

Teen Dieting can also lead to low levels of frolic acid and iron, both of which may prevent you from becoming anemic. An anemic individual tends to be constantly tire. Their intellectual performance becomes impaired.

There are other health problems which are associated with teens undertakings "strict diets", but there are too many to mention here.

4. What Does Healthy Eating Really Mean?

Teens, as long as you eat a variety of foods, from the 5 major food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains [rice, pasta, oats etc] lean meats, dairy, low fats) in the right portions you should get all the nutrition you need.

5. Are Certain Foods are Off-Limits?

No. healthy eating doesn't mean depriving yourself of higher-calorie foods, like ice cream, pizza, cheeseburgers etc. You can enjoy all these foods and others in moderation.

6. Snack on Fruits to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Take snacks of freshly slice fruit to school with you. You can also include some Walnuts or Brazilian nuts to munch on

7. General Rule of Eating Well

Make sure that half the plate contains vegetables and the remaining half divided equally between protein (meat, eggs, beans) and carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes). When eating pizza, go easy on the cheese and pepperoni an heavy on vegetables and fruit.

Some time teens trying to lose weight encounter severe hunger pangs; in these situation they may consider a supplement to their weight loss program by using a natural appetite suppressant pill like Hoodia Gordonii Plus which is virtually 100% pure

7 Proven Weight Loss Tips For Teenagers

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Bike Riding for Weight Loss - Tips for Beginning A Bicycling Plan

If you are one of those people who leisurely pedal around the block or over a flat stretch of scenic road, you've probably been riding for sheer pleasure. Riding bikes for pleasure is a good form of aerobic exercise. But unless you map out a plan to "push yourself," you probably won't lose much weight.

I really get sick of hearing people say, "No pain, no gain!" But the old adage is true when it comes to riding bikes to lose weight. By pushing your cycling distance or speed, you are sure to feel some pain in your leg muscles, your hands, wrists, and your derriere-- even some pain in your throat and lungs as your body tries to accommodate your increased demand for oxygen.

7 Days Weight Loss

HEALTH TIP: Stretching exercises prior to exercising are helpful in preventing injury!


Your first concern will be outfitting your bicycle. If you need an excuse to purchase a new bike, this is an excellent opportunity! I went from a 3-speed bicycle for leisure riding, to a 24-speed bicycle for more committed exercising. Once I learned how the different gears worked, I was very thankful for the extra speeds. They make my ride faster and the hills a lot easier to handle.

We've found the guys at the bicycle shop to be very helpful, and concerned for our unique cycling needs. Rather than simply steering us toward the most expensive bicycle available (as I had expected), they asked how much riding we would be doing, whether we were trying for speed or leisure, and whether we would be riding on paved roads or dirt trails. When you honestly share your goals and level of experience, the sales clerks can match you with exactly what you need. They want you to be successful in your biking venture!

Some state laws require bicycle lights. But if you will be riding anytime from dusk to dawn, common sense demands that you have lights on your bicycle. These little accessories are battery-operated and last a long time. There are a variety of lights to choose from. My tail light has different blinking speeds, and is designed to make my bike visible to cars approaching from both the rear and the sides. Check for brightness before you buy one. Install the light where it makes the most sense.

We held off on buying a speedometer and odometer unit for our bikes, but once we got serious about losing weight and getting in shape, this feature became a "must have." You simply cannot track your progress without knowing how far and how fast you're riding.

If you already have a bicycle, take it to the bike shop for a safety inspection each season. They should check the gears, tires and brakes to make sure everything is working properly. They can adjust your seat to fit your height and adjust the handlebars to fit your reach, making your ride more comfortable. If you're lucky, they might even clean and polish your bike!

If you want to save money in the long run, you can find books and videos that teach you how to care for your own bicycle. It's always a great idea to know how to change your own flat tire and adjust a loose chain.

Another must have is a bicycle pump. Ask your bike dealer how many pounds of air pressure to put in your bicycle tires. Check the tires each time you get ready to ride! We guessed at the air pressure one summer day, and lived to regret it. We rode the bikes to the swimming pool, not realizing that one tire was too full. While we were cooling off in the water, the hot sun was rapidly expanding the air in the tires-one tire blew as it sat in the parking lot. The day in the sun was not so fun, once the pool closed and we had to wait for a truck to haul us home!

HEALTH TIP: Talk with your doctor first, and get his or her blessing before you increase your rate of physical activity!


Sitting for long periods of time on a bicycle seat can cause pain, discomfort, and even serious blood circulation problems in avid bicyclists. At your local bike shop, you'll find a variety of bicycle seats made specifically for your comfort and health. The salespeople at our local bike shop encouraged us to try out new seats on our bikes for a few days. My husband found the split seat to be more comfortable for himself, while I opted to keep my old gel seat. Someone has even invented seats that look more like a bird perch than a bicycle seat!

HEALTH TIP: Get off your bicycle seat and walk around every 25 minutes or so to get the blood flow to important unmentionable parts of your body.

Think about your clothing...you don't have to have padded biker shorts and special clothing to start riding bikes. There are actually scientifically engineered fabrics designed to pull sweat away from your body in the summer and to keep you from getting hypothermia in the winter. But for now, just wear layers of comfortable sports clothes.

Make sure your clothes aren't so tight that you are miserable trying to pedal. But they shouldn't be loose enough to become entangled in the bicycle chain, either! If you become overheated, strip off a layer. If you get cold, add a layer. Wear light or bright colors to allow drivers to see you easily.

It really helps to have a small cargo rack on the back of your bike. Mine looks like a little shelf over the back tire. It has two bungee cords to keep any cargo securely fastened to the bike. I've used it to tote a small picnic cooler, a shopping bag or extra clothes.

I had the bike shop attach a water bottle holder to the bike under my seat. I can grab a quick swig as I ride or pour some water over my pulse points to cool off a bit. Take small sips of water when needed during your bike ride, rather than chugging huge gulps.

A helmet is almost a must. Life is filled with hazards-and biking has its share. Be smart. Wear a helmet. You can buy a cool rear-view mirror for your helmet. The mirror helps you see when it's safe to turn and lets you observe traffic coming up from behind.

I recommend wearing sunglasses-both for the sun and for bugs! At certain times of the year, the air is thick with flying insects. Getting a tiny bug in your eye is a painful event. For contact wearers, carry a contact case and lens cleaner on bike rides for just that reason. Some day you'll be glad you did!

HEALTH TIP: Shake your hands downward frequently to get the blood flowing and to prevent pain or numbness in your arms and hands.


You will want to keep a record of your daily diet and food intake, your weekly body measurements and weight, as well as your bicycling miles and time.

The web site http://www.OpenFitness.net is an excellent way to track your progress. It is very easy to use-simply type in your information you wish to track. As the only community fitness web site of its kind, you'll find it to be a fantastic motivation tool that will print out charts and graphs to show how much progress you've made in a few days, a week, or a month!

It keeps track of your food, vitamin, and supplement intake. Thousands of foods have already been analyzed by experts for number of calories, fat, carbs, and protein. You simply select the foods you ate from a pull down feature, and the daily total is tallied for you. Make sure you don't exercise when you've just eaten, or when it's almost meal time. Both times will slow you down.

No matter how humiliating it is, measure your arms, legs, chest, waist, neck, hips and thighs once a week. The software keeps track of your weight and body measurements. The thrill of seeing those same inches melt away in the coming weeks will be worth the effort. It's especially impressive seen as a graph!

Consider investing in an instrument that actually measures body fat-there are inexpensive pincer-type instruments that measure fat by pinching you, or buy a set of bathroom scales that cost more but calculate body fat quite painlessly.

Try to ride 4-6 days per week. When you map out your weight loss plan, your short-term goals will change as you change. You'll quickly develop stamina for longer distance. As fat turns to muscle, your speed will increase. Each week, try to increase either your mileage or your speed.

You know how far you've been able to ride, thus far. Start keeping track of the exact route you are taking, the total mileage, and the length of time it took you. Make notes in your records for special circumstances. Did it get dark outside so you were forced to cut your ride short? Did the road crews dump a layer of gravel on your normally paved road?

What was the weather like? Was it dangerously hot? Was it windy? The wind can be your friend or your enemy. When the wind is behind you, your ride is a breeze...but coming from any other direction, be prepared to huff and puff. Accept any length of time as a job well done and simply get the ride accomplished!

Finally, add an upper body workout three times per week. Bicycling works your legs, but to get the rest of your body firm and trim, you'll need to exercise your upper body, as well. The http://www.openfitness.net web site, created by a certified personal fitness trainer, has excellent features which allow you to design and track this portion of your fitness program, as well.

Bicycle riding is a fun, inexpensive form of aerobic exercise-it's good for every part of you. But be warned-you will need to buy a whole new wardrobe for the thinner, more beautifully fit body that emerges!

Bike Riding for Weight Loss - Tips for Beginning A Bicycling Plan

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How Many Calories Per Day Are Required to Lose Weight on a Daily Basis?

To maintain a perfect body shape, you should always calculate your daily calories per day to lose weight fast. The basic fundamental about gaining weight is directly related with the balance between your daily calorie intake and daily calorie needs.

If you want to maintain just your current weight effectively then the following formula will help you.

7 Days Weight Loss

If weight loss is your goal then you should subtract from this value.

For Women:

X amount= {665 + (4.5 x weight in pounds)}

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) for women={X amount + (4.7 x height in inches)} - (4.7 x age in years)

For men:

X amount= 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds)

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) for men = {X amount + (12.9 x height in inches)} - (4.7 x age in years)

Now take certain percentage of your BMR coming with is formula and add to your BMR value as per following physical activities.

If you are sedentary then add 20%, if you are slightly active then you should add 30%, if you are moderately active then you should add 40%, if you are very active then you should add 50% and if you are a sport person then you should add 60% to your existing BMR value.

As an example if your BMR value is 2000 Calories and you are moderately active then you should add 800 to your BMR value i.e. 2000. Thus your daily requirement of calorie for maintaining your current weight will be 2800 and if you want to lose weight, simply consume lesser than this value of calorie in a day.

This is the easiest way to get calories per day to lose weight with this formula, make use of it.

How Many Calories Per Day Are Required to Lose Weight on a Daily Basis?

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Fast Weight Loss Diet Plans That Work

There so many weight loss diet plans out there today, that it can be difficult to decide which diet to go on and get the results hoped for. There is no time to waste trying to find a diet that will work, especially when one wants to lose weight fast. Here are some brief descriptions of weight loss diet plans that are guaranteed to take the weight off when followed correctly.

The Juice Diet

7 Days Weight Loss

The juice diet (also known as a juice fast), is one of the quickest and safest ways to lose weight. The diet requires that only fresh fruit and vegetable juices are consumed for a period of at least 7 days. However, if it gets too hard after a day or so, then the diet should be stopped immediately.

At least a week prior to starting the juice diet, certain foods such as sugar, animal products, fast and fried foods, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol should be eliminated or at least reduced. Doing so will not only begin the weight loss process, but it will also make it easier on the body during the juice fast.

After the fast is over, it is very important that only small meals are consumed, and that junk foods and animal proteins are avoided as much as possible, because some of the weight that was lost may come back.

The Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet is a healthy diet that can be made a permanent part of any lifestyle. The diet requires that at least 75% of the foods are eaten raw, and that all fast, processed and fried foods be avoided as much as possible. Animal proteins are also not encouraged on this diet, but it is up to each individual to decide what they eat for the remainder 25% of the diet.

The diet is high in vital nutrients, fiber, and low in calories, which makes it an ideal diet for fast weight loss. The fiber helps to clean out the digestive tract, which in turn increases the metabolism and helps the bowels to function normal again. This is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to lose weight fast and efficiently.

The Fruitarian Diet

The fruitarian diet is a temporary diet that can help in weight loss by cleaning out the body of harmful toxins and fat cells. The diet requires that fresh fruit is consumed for about 75% of the diet, and for the remainder of the diet, one can include vegetables and grains.

The Green Smoothie Diet

The green smoothie diet involves drinking lots of green smoothies, particularly for breakfast, as well as throughout the day as snacks or along with meals. The diet requires that at least 1 quart of green smoothies is consumed each day along with other healthy foods.

The smoothies are made from ground nuts and seeds, fruits and lots of green vegetables to give them a rich green color. These smoothies may not be suitable for those who are not used to consuming lots of greens, as they can be bitter. However, more fruit can be added to make them sweeter and more appealing to the taste buds.

Fast Weight Loss Diet Plans That Work

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General Motors Diet (GM Diet) For Weight Loss

Diet is a crucial factor in weight loss but selecting right diet plan is more important. This article emphasize on General Motors Diet plan and how it helps in losing weight.

o General Motors Diet, commonly known as GM diet was originally developed for employees and dependents of General Motors, Inc. and was intended for their exclusive use in the 1980's. The GM diet makers also believed that it would improve attitudes and emotions because of its cleansing effects in the body. The seven day plan is though to burn more calories than the body receives. Theoretically, yes. But the human system is rather is rather complicated. The diet contains no alcohol, compulsorily 10 glasses of water per day.

7 Days Weight Loss

o All fruits except bananas on day one.
o All vegetables on day two
o A mix of fruits and vegetables on day three
o Bananas and milk on day four
o Beef and tomatoes on day five
o Beef and vegetables on day six
o Brown rice, fruit juices and vegetables on day seven

Beef has been replaced with rice. A repeat is advised for further weight loss. Pulses are disallowed because they are high in calories. Recipes have been made up revolving around the GM diet.

On the positive side, General Motors diet is good for a week if done once in a blue moon to cleanse the system. However, naturopathy medicine does not allow any kind of meat for cleansing the human system. Only those who can withstand the low energy intake should go for it. On the negative side, when on such a low energy diet the body tends to hold back the fat reserve and burns muscle for energy that is requirement for daily activity. The second and subsequent attempts at weight loss become more and more difficult because the basic rate at which the body burns calories (BMR) slows down. Following this diet repeatedly can deplete the body of energy and some important nutrients when needed. Unfortunately, we can't supply nutrients in installments on different days for the body because the functioning of all nutrients is interrelated. Many followers of GM diet have steadily gained back their weight.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

General Motors Diet (GM Diet) For Weight Loss

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Healthy Weight Loss Cleanse

Have you tried to lose weight and failed? You are not alone. It is a fact that most traditional weight loss diets fail people. If you have tried numerous programs and still cannot lose weight, a healthy weight loss cleanse may be your solution.

We have been told that there is only one sure way to lose weight; eat less calories than you use. It seems very easy, yet does not work for the majority of people. In fact, if you eat too little, the experts say you will not lose weight because your metabolism slows down too much. What happened to our formula of eating less calories?

7 Days Weight Loss

Excess weight is proving to be more than eating too many calories. It is the types of calories consumed that can make you lean or fat. Science is now proving that there are other factors such as environmental toxins that get stored in fatty tissue. These toxins are known to inhibit thyroid function, interfere with appetite controls, create fatigue that makes it difficult to focus much less stay on a diet, and some toxins are even known to lead to disease.

A healthy weight loss cleanse can be a way to help people lose weight as well as assist the body's ability to get rid of toxins that interfere with health. It is a way of incorporating a diet that helps your body's natural cleansing and detoxification abilities.

The natural cleansing diet used even incorporates food supplements that assist the body's natural cleansing functions while providing the right nutrition so often overlooked in modern, face-paced lifestyles.

During a healthy weight loss cleanse, all junk foods are eliminated from the diet. These foods contain empty calories. In other words, no nutrition. Your body's natural cleansing and detoxification functions will not work if your body is not strong enough.

In addition, junk foods are hard for you body to break down or digest. If you body has a hard time digesting completely, waste builds up and causes excess weight. It is well known that if you eat too much junk food your body does not get rid of the excess - you actually gain weight! This proves that your body becomes over burdened and cannot perform its normal functions.

Your body needs the right nutrition to work properly. You cannot build new and healthy cells with a hot dog. But fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean or vegetarian proteins help your body function at its best. This includes your cleansing systems.

The right supplements provide excellent nutrition to help your body work even better. They provide extra vitamins, minerals, fibers, essential fats, phytonutrients and micronutrients not found in a traditional synthetic vitamin pill. These extra nutrients give an over burdened body what it needs to kick into full gear and eliminate years of built up waste.

Some programs even use cleansing exercise or body work to physically help move toxins out of the body. For example, walking helps move your lymph, your circulatory system that is supposed to move toxins out. This system does not have a pump such as the heart pumps your blood, so it relies on muscular contractions. Walking pumps the calf muscles which in turn move this system. Have you ever heard that exercise strengthens your immune system? This may be one of the reasons why.

Other bodywork like massage help physically move toxins out of your body. Science now shows that regular massages help lower stress levels, tighten skin and even help to tone while assisting the body's ability to remove fat. Endermologie is a massage device that is even approved by the FDA to help get rid of cellulite. This is because it helps remove toxins that get stored in fatty tissue.

Body wraps have been used for centuries to help get rid of toxins, eliminate waste and even help the body sweat out not just water, but the toxins stored in fat. Mud and seaweed are both used in wraps because they are well known to draw out toxins. Although considered temporary on its own, a body wrap can be a powerful addition to any body cleansing program.

Use a healthy weight loss cleanse to help your body get rid of the excess weight, excess waste buildup and excess fat once and for all. You might find it to be your new solution for a new and healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Weight Loss Cleanse

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